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  Harvest Final Great Ingathering      The Patterns

 1. We see the Patterns shown for The Day of Trumpets which deals with the callings and assemblies of The Body of Christ. This is Best seen in 1 Corinthians 12 and in Ephesians.

 2.This Final Ingathering is Before The Wedding on The Day of Atonement - As seen in 1Cor 12-13, Eph 4-5 and Rev 14-19.

 3. 1Cor 15:52, and 1 Thessalonians 4:16 shows there is a Trumpet Blast which signals the Rapture at the end of The Harvest.

4. The Tools are in place for a World-wide Sharing of The Everlasting Gospel as seen in Mat 24:14 – The Gospel must first be preached then the end will come.  Rev 14:6 – The Everlasting Gospel is the first Angel’s Message

 5.  Rev 19 and 20 reveals the results after The End of The Age Ingathering. The Wedding, Battle of Armageddon and The Millennium.

 6. There is no world-wide gathering of The Body at this time.... Though we see many souls being saved in many nations.

 7. There is a great division and conflict between good and evil in The USA and in The Middle East.

 8. We see so much compromising and so little Holy Spirit Led Conviction in most Christian lives in The USA and in Europe.

Scriptures Show There Must Be A Final Great Harvest:

 – Rev 14 shows the Activity and Process:

  – The 144,000 Saints from every nation 14:1-5

  – The Everlasting Gospel is Preached To All the world 14:6-7

  – The 2 warning messages against Babylon 14:8

         and The Beast 14:9-11

  – The 3 Harvests

   The First Fruits 14:4

   The Great Final Harvest of The Grain of The Earth 14:14-16

   The Wrath of GOD results in the Vine and Grape Harvest 14:17-20

 – The Parables in Mat 13

  – The Harvest is The End of The Age Let The Tares and The Wheat Grow 13:30

  – The Drag Net is cast into The Sea and gathers in both good and bad 13:47-50

   The Bad are removed and The Good are gathered afterwards. 13:30

 – Mat 24 states three times there will be worldwide preaching, harvest and the end.

  Several Parables indicate some servants will be faithful while some will not....

 – Mat 25:32-33  The Sheep and Goat nations are dealt with

– Rev 18:4 Come Out of Her MY People.... Then a great multitude appears at The Wedding Supper of The Lamb in Rev 19....