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                                          The 10 Are Numbered in the Same Order as Given in the Old Covenant

Hebrews is Outlined in accord with The 10 Commandments, and bares witness to JESUS Christ in HIS More Perfect Ministry. Hebrews also bares witness to JESUS' work in The Tabernacle in Heaven, where He fulfills the Feast of Atonement.

                          THE 10 COMMANDMENTS in HEBREWS:

1 & 2 Chapters 1 & 2 Speak of JESUS as Creator, LORD and GOD. JESUS is Our Passover Sacrifice and Elder Brother. HE is the perfect Image of GOD.

3 JESUS is the Perfect Witness from The Father. HE is Faithful and Perfect in every pattern and it's fulfillment through The Name HE bares Not In Vain.

4 Chapters 3 & 4 deals with The Rest GOD is so willing to provide to HIS Beloved Children. The work we must do is dependant on Faith - being Faithful to HIS Word, and HIS Plan in The Sabbaths reveals HIS Will and provision.

5 We are GOD's Family. JESUS is our Elder Brother and the Forerunner of Many Brethren. HE is the Perfect pattern for our New Life in The Family of GOD.

6 JESUS is The Perfect Sacrifice - given once for all. HE has risen onto Heaven's throne.

7 JESUS is the faithful perfect Son of GOD. HE is entered into Heaven as the High Priest and The Sacrifice for The Heavenly Feasts of Trumpets and Atonement. In Chapters 7 and 8, we see JESUS as The Only Head of The Body, Who deals with His Church.

8 In Chapters 8, 9 and 10, we see JESUS in Heaven's Tabernacle doing the Perfected Work of The High Priest on The Day of Atonement. HE Provides - We need Not Steal.

9 In Chapter 11, we see the Faith GOD has given to The Saints who have gone on before us. We are given GOD's Word to show His perfect provision for our lives and we are led to help our brothers- through The Holy Spirit working in our lives.

- The Truth does Not Lie, HE clearly shows how we are disciplined in Ch.12

10 We do not covet what gifts GOD has given to the members in The Family but we gladly help others grow and gain all that GOD will give them.  Ch.13

Hebrews and The 10 Commandments