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HOME - Basic Info and Beliefs, Site News and Meeting Times

         BASIC DOCTRINE  – Basic Christian Beliefs Studied from a New Testament perspective with an Old                Testament background.

FEASTING - The 7 Seasonal High Sabbath Meetings of GOD –  a NEW TESTAMENT perspective.

SABBATH - Studies in The NEW TESTAMENT which reveal how Christians should observe and be Blessed by GOD’s Rest.

PROPHECY - As Seen from History and as Revealed in GOD’s Word

Revelation - The Book of Revelation as seen from History and as taken from years of Study.

Chapter and Verse   –  Studies taken of a Topic listed by the Book, Chapter or Verse   AND Commentaries on Many Bible Books  Concerning The 10 Commandments and GOD’s Feast Days as revealed in The New Testament  (NOTE - This is NOT a repeat list of the  other 6 Listings)

Commandments  - The TOP TEN Concepts or 10 Commandments as Revealed in The NEW TESTAMENT and based on Old Testament Gleanings.

ALWAYS Start from The HOME page. Click on  A  Button Bar Above To Select One of The 8  Listings  Drop Down Listings Will Appear. HOVER on each of the Buttons and see the Drop Downs.

Note The Little White Arrows – Each Button has several Studies