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 An Outline of Acts

I.  The apostles’ activity in Jerusalem  1:1– 6:7

    A.      The acts of the Holy Spirit 1:1–26

    B.      The birth of The Church 2:1–47

    C.      The healing of a lame man 3:1–26

    D.      Salvation in Jesus alone 4:1–37

    E.      The arrest of Peter and John 5:1–42

    F.      Leadership for the church 6:1–7

II. The early church’s witness to all Judea and Samaria 6:8– 9:31

    A.      Stephen’s defense and martyrdom 6:8– 7:60

    B.      The Church scattered 8:1–40

      1.      Philip’s ministry in Samaria 8:1–24  

      2. Philip’s meets the Ethiopian 8:25–40

    C.      Saul’s conversion 9:1–31

      1.      Saul confronted by Jesus 9:1–19  

      2. Saul’s obedience to Jesus 9:20–31

III.  The believers witness to the end of the earth   9:32– 28:31

    A.      Extension of truth to Gentiles 9:32– 11:30

      1.      Peter’s vision 9:32– 10:22      2.  The inclusion of Gentiles 10:23–48

      3.      Peter’s explanation to the believers in Jerusalem 11:1–18

      4.      A church in Antioch 11:19–30

    B.      Peter’s miraculous escape from prison 12:1–25

    C.      Paul’s first missionary trip 13:1–14:28

    D.     The Jerusalem conference concerning Gentiles in the church 15:1–35

    E.      Paul’s second missionary trip 15:36– 18:22

    F.      Paul’s third missionary trip 18:23– 21:26

    G.      Paul’s trip to Rome 21:27– 28:31

      1.      Paul’s arrest in Jerusalem 21:27–40      2. Paul’s defense before the Jews 22:1–29

      3.      Paul’s defense before the Sanhedrin 22:30– 23:10

      4.      God’s sovereign protection of Paul 23:11–35    5.  Paul’s defense before Felix 24:1–27

      6.      Paul’s defense before Festus 25:1–27      7.  Paul’s defense before Agrippa 26:1–32

      8.      Paul’s voyage to Rome 27:1–44      9. Paul’s survival on Malta 28:1–16

      10.    Paul’s arrival in Rome 28:17–31

                    From The Nelson Study Bible (Nashville: Nelson Publishers, 1997)

     History During Acts

 a.d. 14–37   Tiberius Caesar is Roman emperor

 c. a.d. 33–35  Pentecost; the early church in Jerusalem

 c. a.d. 35–47  The church grows in Judea and Samaria

 a.d. 37–41  Caligula is Roman emperor

 a.d. 37–44  Herod Agrippa I, rules in Judea

 a.d. 41–54  Claudius is Roman emperor

 c. a.d. 44 James the son of Zebedee is martyred

 c. a.d. 47–49 Paul’s first missionary journey

 c. a.d. 50–53 Paul’s second missionary journey

 a.d. 52–60 Felix is procurator of Judea

 c. a.d. 53–57 Paul’s third missionary journey

 a.d. 54–68 Nero is Roman emperor

 a.d. 60–62 Festus is procurator of Judea

 c. a.d. 60–62 Paul is imprisoned in Rome