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1. GOD Alone HE is The Light  Gen 1:1 In Beginning was GOD The Creator

2. Make no images No Forms  Separation of The Land from the Waters

3. Faithful to HIS Name   Seed brings forth life each after their kind

4. Remember The Sabbath    Sun moon and stars for Sings and Seasons

5. Honor Father and Mother  Sea Air and Creeping Animals Created

6. No Murder    Living Soul-animals and Mankind Created

7. No Adultery    Rest and Fellowship on The Seventh Day

8. No Stealing    Don’t Eat from The Tree

9. No Lies     Hath GOD Said?

10. Do Not Covet    She saw The Tree was Good

        Mirroring of First and Last Commandments 1. GOD is GOD  10 - Do not Covet -Man wants to replace GOD

2. Make no images 9 - Do Not Lie - All manmade images are false

3. Faithful to HIS Name 8 - No Stealing - To twist HIS purposes is to steal from HIM

4. Remember The Sabbath 7 - No Adultery - Any replacement of worship is mixing our Love

  10 Commands for Spiritual Warfare

1. Discern GOD's Voice (Reject False Sounds) Guard Your Heart Against Ungodliness – Psa 145:20, Pro 4:21-22, Mat 22:37, Mar 12:30, Joh 21:16-17

2. Deal with Imaginations and Prejudices – Idolatry of Empty gods Rom 8:39, 2The 3:5, Jam 1:12, 1Joh 4:1, Jud 1:12

3. Use GOD's Name ( & Jesus) Faithfully – Use GOD's Name Carefully Isa 56:6, Exo 34:5, Lev 24:16, Mar 11:9-10, Act 9:29, 19:13-17, 1Cor 1:10, Col 3:17, Jam 5:14

4. Rest in Peace until The LORD Works – Resting in HIS Righteous Love Zep 3:17, Isa 11:10, 28:12, 48:17-18,   62:4-5, Luk 15:23-24, Joh 15:11, Mat 11:28-29, Jer 6:16, Psa 94:13, 116:7

5. Honor Our Father and The Church – Loving Your Elders Mat 19:19, Joh 13:34, 14:21, 15:10, Col 2:2, 1Joh 3:1,  Rom 12:10, 13:8, Gal 5:13, 1Joh 4:7

6. Love People as GOD Loves Them – Human Worth Prevents Murder Luk 10:36, Rom 13:9-10, Jam 2:8, Luk 18:22, Rev 22:14, Psa 112:1

7. Apply The Word Equally in Everything – Adultery Grows from Dissatisfaction Pro 5:19,19:23,27:20, Psa 65:4,90:14,

8. Gladly Give and Receive Spiritual Gifts – GOD Provides What we Need Mat 6:19-20, Joh 10:10,

9. Speak the Truth in Love –  The Truth Will Make You Free Isa 61:8, Eph 4:25

10. Rejoice as Others are Blessed – I'm Blessed and Happy to see My Brothers Blessed Heb ,13:1-5, Mat 6:25,   Php 4:11-12, 1Tim 6:6-10