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The 24 Elders are mentioned 4 times in Rev. Each time they fall down and worship at the throne. 4:9-11, 5:14, 11:16, 19:4. (The Greek word for Elder is Presbyter which is masculine.)

They are seated on 24 thrones around the throne.

They wear white robes and crowns.

My thoughts are that they represent The Bride/Wife of God. Being the 12 tribes of Israel plus The Church- represented by the Glorious City with the number 12 so often written of her. The City has 12 foundations which are the 12 Apostles and the 12 Gates which are the 12 Tribes of Israel. Rev 21:12 & 14.

In Rev 19:8 at the wedding supper, we read she is dressed in White Linen and we may consider that a Queen wears a crown.

Their position around The Throne leads me to consider The Wife/Queen idea.

Though we must not place too much thought about sexual limitations on this idea-- as in The Spirit there is neither male nor female, bond nor free, etc.

The primary connection is with the description of The New Jerusalem being The Wife/Bride which surrounds God and The Lamb in Rev 21, and 22.