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Daniel Prophetic Overview:
We need to get back to basics in looking at Prophecy.
A long term prophetic overview was given to Daniel.
It is a marvelous Prophetic Insight about the whole of history from
BC 500-
The Dreams by Nebuchadnezzar of the giant image and Daniel's Dreams tie up the whole of history and should force us to make sure all our "prophetic insights" fit within that framework.
KEY Concept: The Prophetic Image and Beasts of Daniel must remain standing until the Stone smites the Feet!!! -
With this simple insight, we are forced to fit all other prophecy into the overview that GOD has so wonderfully given to us.
Thus even today, we must recognize the 4 basic world political/religious systems which have evolved from Bible Prophecy. These must fit the pattern.
From this basic concept, these 4 are:
1. Babylon -
2. Medio-
3. Greece -
4. Rome -
(The Feet of Iron and Clay in The Roman System-