The First Three - We can conquer but we should seek The LORD's Help to build and conserve our own strength. The Last 7 we can only conquer with GOD's help.
1. Kenites - Fabricator - Lies and False Accusations: We can become self defensive, Pride VS inferiority are both self centered.
2. Kerizzites - Possessive - We try to look like someone else - not what GOD has designed us to be. Fleshly Lust VS Satisfaction Self approval & accomplishments.
3. Kadmonites - Ancient Way - Religion/Tradition - Rather than trusting on The WORD of GOD. Mark 7:13 Lust of the Eyes - Worldly Advertising
4. Hittites - Terror - Fear of Failure - generates paralysis/ inferiority . Perfect Love casts out all fear. 1John 4:18
5. Perrizites - Squatters - they have always been there - not rightfully... Troubles from our past life confuse us or trouble us... We are Born Again through His Blood.
6. Rephaim - Giants - Look too big to defeat. GOD will stretch our faith using big things to show us HE is our strength. Psa 91 They are bread for us...Num 14:9
7. Amorites - Sayer - self doubt - wispers, rumors etc Thoughts- I'm not like others - but that's a good thing. Know we are accepted in The Beloved Eph 1:6
8. Canaanite - Zealous - leads to premature action. Wait on The LORD be patient in The Holy Spirit. Pro 20:21
9. Gergashites - Stranger - we feel out of place not accepted or ridiculed even among friends we feel alone. He will never leave us nor forsake us. Heb 13:5
10. Jebusites - Down Trodden - depressed - we blame others and are anxious about our actions. The enemy reminds of our past - we are New Creatures in Christ 2Cor 5:17
See 'Inheriting Your Destiny' by John Paul Jackson
Gen_15:19 The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites,
Gen 15:20 And the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Rephaims, 21 And the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.