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        1Corinthians is a New Testament Commentary on The Annual Celebrations and 3 Harvest Feasts given for GOD's People to Observe and Celebrate. These instructions are summarized in Leviticus Chapter 23.

  The previous Diagram shows the Feasts and Set Times as revealed in Creation:

-- The Earth Circles The Sun once a Year, and the Moon Circles The Earth each Month.

 The design of Creation is set by The LORD as a natural pattern of salvation.

 –In Israel there are Three Harvest Seasons.

  - Barley in Early Spring (Passover) - Ye Must Be Born Again

  - Wheat in Summer (Pentecost) - Be ye filled with The Holy Spirit

  - Oil and Wine in Early Fall (Tabernacles) - Come Closer to The Lord

 These Three Harvest Seasons were Created to establish Set Times for The Three Feasts. The Three Harvests and Feasts are designed as markers for the Three Main Themes of Salvation.

 1Corinthians gives us a summary of the 7 Annual Holy Days and The Giftings which should come with GOD's Salvation Plan. The Main Theme of The Passover which flows through Chapters 1 through 16 of First Corinthians is a picture of GOD’s plan to make man in HIS likeness and image (Gen 1:26-28). When a person accepts GOD's Offering of JESUS' Sacrifice, the Salvation Process begins to bring The New Creation Life into full view as each Christian follows GOD's Plan for Salvation.

 Paul gives Christians a new Testament perspective on the 7 High Sabbath Festivals and how they apply to everyday Christian living. The Three harvest seasons in Israel were used to show GOD's plan for Salvation.

The Three Basic Steps are:

1. Justification - Passover- Saved By Grace through Faith in The

          Finished Work of JESUS Christ.

       2. Sanctification - Pentecost- an Ongoing Process of The Holy Spirit                             leading in the New Life within our Hearts.

3. Glorification - Tabernacles- which results in an Instant change to a New Glorified Body and The Resurrection.

 These 3 Basic steps expand when we look more closely at the instructions given to Moses, and by the New Testament applications Paul sets down in 1Corinthians. (The Plan of Salvation is given throughout the whole of the New Testament.) Several Books are designed with The Feasts as a Central Theme. Ephesians, Hebrews, Revelation, and 1Corinthians as well as The Gospel of John are the primary examples....