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 Commandments Related to The Feasts

 There are 7 Set Times or Holy Convocations and 10 Commandments,                         How are the 7 related to the 10?

 First we must see both (Convocations and Commandments) as they are described in The New Covenant. Then we can see how they are related to each other.... The Book of 1 Corinthians provides a good introduction to The Passover and to each of the 7 Holy Convocations. In 1Corinthians, Paul ties all 7 Holy Convocations together with Jesus Christ our Passover and Resurrection.  (Read the section on 1Corinthians for details.)

      We must be aware there are three main time divisions to The Word of GOD:

 1- The Old Covenant: Provided Shadows and Patterns for GODly Living:  Creation set The Seasons and Harvests  7 Days of Creation with A Sabbath  Feast Days set around The 3 Harvests

  10 Commandments Listed Twice by Moses

 2- The New Covenant: The Ongoing Life for each Christian as described in it.  Jesus died on The Passover  The Holy Spirit Poured Out On Pentecost  Jesus, Apostles and Gentiles Gathered into The Church

 3- The Eternal Life: and Future Promised to Believers in Christ Jesus:  Paul Instructs The Churches in Corinthians and Thessalonians, etc.  John Instructs The Churches in Revelation

 Each of these three time periods should be distinguished as we consider what Christians should do, and how The Holy Convocations and The Commandments are described in The New Covenant. We should also see the patterns and shadows given: 1. in The Old Covenant and see how The New Covenant applies them: 2. to everyday life and 3. to eternal life....

 I hope the following review helps us see how The New Covenant deals with the Relationship Between the Two Eternal Principles of Convocations and Commandments.

  The New Covenant gives nearly 100 discussions about The 10 Commandments, and each of The Holy Convocations are discussed in many ways. For Details, refer to the Main Sections in The Website which deal with each of these two important areas....  

  The 10 Commands in The New Testament:

 – There are over 100 times in The New Testament where The Commandments are mentioned.

 – 16 of these provide commentaries on The 10 Commandments and they are mentioned in the same order as GOD gave them to Moses...! Of these 16, there are 10 which also deal with The Holy Convocations given by GOD to Moses.... These 10 commentaries in The New Testament then relate The 10 Commandments with The Holy Convocations...! This relationship between the two is what this discussion will deal with....

  The Feasts and 10 Commands in The New Testament:

 There are specific invitations in The New Testament which invite Christians to Celebrate Each of The Holy Convocations of GOD: