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 Ephesians’ Central Theme of ‘The Body’ can be seen in each of the Word Pictures Paul gives to us. These 6 Pictures show GOD’s Salvation Plan.

  The 6 ‘Mystery’ Pictures Paul Uses in Ephesians:

1- The First ‘Mystery’ is described in the first 2 Chapters of Ephesians. Paul calls this a ‘Mystery’ in 1:9. Paul shows God’s eternal plan and will is invested in us -The Beloved Saints through Christ Jesus.

2- In 2:11 to 3:3, we see The Second ‘Mystery’ - The Church being built as a Temple - Making all nations into ‘One New Man’2:15 in Christ Jesus.

3- In 3:4-8, we see Christ our inheritance and The Ministry equipped for gathering believers into The Body by the power of The Holy Spirit.

4- In3:9 to 5:21, we see The Family - a ‘Mystery’ of Fellowship in GOD’s Family. That we should grow up into the fulness of GOD and filled with all His love and might. HE gave the Ministry to build us into ministers to The Body of Christ.4:8-16. Let us be mature Christians, putting off our former nature. 4:25+ And walk as Children of Light.5:8+.

5- In 5:22 to 6:9, we see The Relationship between Husband and Wife as a ‘Mystery’5:32 like Jesus and His Bride - The Mature Church - without spot or wrinkle.

6- In 6:19 to 24, we see The Soldier and our armor - Which is likened to a Roman Soldier as a ‘Mystery’6:19.

 These 6 ‘Mysteries’ can be related to The Feast Days in GOD’s Salvation Plan - See The Diagram. Also read my Booklets on 1Corinthians and Revelation.

 The Feast Days were first written in Leviticus Chapter 23. Paul uses the same pattern shown in The Feast Days to reveal The Plan of Salvation in The Book of Ephesians. From the Creation in Genesis Chapter 1, we see the 7 Day Plan. Six days of Creation and One day of Rest. Paul gives us Six ‘Mystery’ Pictures in Ephesians and thus ties the whole of GOD’s Word into the small Letter to The Ephesian Church.

 The Book of Ephesians can thus be tied together with all the other Books in The Bible. The Book of Colossians is often called a ‘sister book’ because it contains many of the same concepts as Ephesians. Some key verses in Col 2:16-17 gives us the idea of Gentiles ‘Respecting’ The Feast of Trumpets. Colossians 2:16–17 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: 17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

 Note the connection at the end of verse 17- with ‘The Body of Christ.’ This is The Central Theme in Ephesians. Thus I see Ephesians is a commentary given to The Christian Churches which deals with The Day of Trumpets. The many other references can be found about this same concept in 1Corinthians 12, Hebrews 7-8, and Revelation 7 thru 18.

 Ephesians is the one Book in the N T which concentrates on This Theme and as such it is important we look carefully at this theme. – The Calling of The Body to Ministry.

 The Purpose of The Trumpet was to Call GOD’s People to action.