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     Central to The Passover was the sacrifice of The Lamb.  This sacrifice was made to keep The Household from death.

     This can be seen in both -The First Passover in Exodus and The Passover Sacrifice of Christ Jesus. If the Children of Israel did not place The Blood of The Lamb on their house door, the firstborn would die. Jesus as The Firstborn took our sin upon Himself. 2Cor 5:21, 1Pet 2:24, John 1.

   The curse of sin and death can be removed if we come to The Lord with sincerity and truth. Paul warns The Church against being careless about Communion, as he also warns The Church against being Puffed-Up.

      The Law of Moses and The New Covenant contain both positive and negative instructions.   

 The diagram describes some of the warnings Paul gives in regards to Communion.