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God’s Salvation Plan is carried over from The Old Testament, in both Creation and In Moses’ Law:

   The Day of Trumpets: In looking at Nehemiah Chapter 8, we can see The Walls of The City were built and they discovered The Scrolls of The Covenant. This took place just prior to the First Day of The Seventh Month (The Day of Trumpets.) The people stood and heard The Word of God and celebrated all that day. Here in Galatians, Paul is presenting these newly received Christians with The New Walls and Boundaries of God’s New Testament (The New Covenant.)

   Galatians demonstrates God’s Salvation Plan

 The Salvation Plan of God was set forth before the foundation of the world Eph 1:4, 1Pet 1:20. This Salvation Plan is designed in Creation per Gen 1:14, and follows the Feasts and Harvest Seasons God established for Israel. God gave Moses Set Times of Celebration and Feasts to point to This Plan and we see The New Testament Confirms The Same Salvation Plan.

 Several Books in The New Testament confirm Jesus was sacrificed on Passover, and The Holy Spirit was poured into Believers on The Day of Pentecost. But The Fall Feasts which begin with The Day of Trumpets are not so clearly written down - unless we know what to look for....

 The Day of Trumpets is First Listed in Leviticus 23 as the First Day of The 7th Month. Trumpets then starts the Fall Feast Days which all are set within The Seventh Month (moon.) Lev 23:24, Psa 81:3.

       The trumpet was used for 2 purposes during the Old Testament.

1. To announce gatherings of Elders or Leaders for making Decisions

2. To set out the movements in the Families of Israel for traveling or for war, etc.

 Nehemiah 8 and Joel 2 give an introduction to The Activity of The Trumpet in The New Testament. Nehemiah 8 shows Israel regathered from Babylon and rebuilding the walls. They discover The Law and read it beginning on The First Day of The Seventh Month -which was The Day of Trumpets. Joel 2 warns the people to respect The Lord on His Holy Day.

 Galatians 2:18-21 refers to the separation between Jew and Gentile while eating at The Table .  Eph 2:14 and Col 2:11-15 state The Middle Wall has been torn down.... Col 2:16-17 then gives permission for Gentiles to eat and celebrate at The Feast of Trumpets. This shows Paul’s concern about The Boundaries shown in the prior Diagram. This boundary concern is one of The Day of Trumpets identifiers in The N T....

So we have two things to look for in The New Testament regarding The Day of Trumpets:

1. Calling Elders together for decision making. One Trumpet for the elders.

2. It relates to The Body of Believers coming together. Two Trumpets for the congregation.

Both of these elements are seen in Acts 15. We know The Feast of Pentecost had been Established  and The Elders and Apostles have gathered together in Acts 15–  to decide how Gentiles are to be added into The Body of Believers in The New Testament. Gentiles have received The Holy Spirit from God and they have given testimony about their Salvation in Jesus Christ. So God has approved them and has become their Spiritual Father - Filling them with His Holy Spirit. Now The Jewish Leadership must decide how to accept these new converts as Brothers in Christ Jesus....

 What do they need to do and what don’t they need to do? After the Council in Jerusalem set out the Acceptance Letter, Paul is left with the responsibility of implementing the decision.... So we see a practical application of The Day of Trumpets in the Book of Galatians. In some ways it follows the same patterns as The Old Testament, but in some ways it is different as well.