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 The Book of John is The 4th Gospel. It stands apart from the first Three Synoptic Gospels. (Synoptic = Similar or Comparable Gospels) John presents Jesus as The Eternal Word and as The Man Who perfectly represents GOD in a fleshly form. John most closely follows Jesus’ 3 and ½ year ministry while He follows The Annual Feast Cycle - Three or Four Passovers (See Diagram Below) are shown in John to keep us on track but most prominently one can see John is a story about The Relationship between GOD and Man.  

                       3 or 4 Passovers in Jesus' Ministry  ?

                       1-- 2:13 Just after Jesus was baptized

                       2-- between 4:35 and 5:1 a Passover can be assumed

                       3-- 6:4 Jesus feeds 5,000 near Passover

                       4-- 11:55 Jesus becomes The Sacrifice

Of the 4 listed above, only 1 and 4 have anything written about Passover activities. 5;1 can refer to Pentecost and 6:4 might relate to Jesus’ discussion about His body and blood later in Chapter 6. For Diagrams about the length of Jesus’ Ministry, please go to Home > Bas Doc > Jesus > Years IN Jesus Ministry

   As in John 1:1, The Greek word Logos is often translated "Word"

          Logos Relates to Logic, Order ...and Wisdom 1Cor 1:30

          Pro 8:22-31 States Wisdom was involved in Creation

Joh 1:14 ‘The Word’ became Flesh and we beheld His Glory, full of Grace and Truth.

Exo 33:15-20 and 34:6-9 Reveals God gave His Word, and Dwelt With His People

 Moses Beheld His Glory - Full of Grace and Truth (No One Can See GOD's full Glory)

Joh 1:14-18 Reveals Jesus is ‘The Word’; 1:16-18 Jesus is Greater than Moses & Law

Psa 33:4-6 States All Creation came from His Mouth,

1Joh 1:1-2 ‘The Word’ Dwelt among us and we handled HIM

Rev 19:13 On HIS side a Name Written ‘The Word’ of GOD

Only in the 4 N T verses above is Logos used directly as The Name of Jesus.

Logos appears 330 times in the NT–  of these 51 times it includes ‘of God’ so the phrase is translated ‘the Word of God’ and 60 times Logos refers to The Gospel. (most of the 330 refer to a spoken ‘message’ from anyone....) From Logos Bible Software.


From Genesis 1 where GOD Said, ‘Let there be' and Creation came into being – We have ample evidence that The Father and Jesus are the Creator and keeper of all created things. Including HIS Church. The Word of God has import and power in the O T and in The N T.  

Here are several New Testament scriptures which reveal the  importance of 'The Word'.  Mat 13:19, Mar 2:2, 16:20, Luk 1:2, 8:11, 22:61, Joh1:1, 1:14, 10:35,  Act 6:2,4,7, 8:4, 11:1, 1Ti 2:9, Tit 2:5, Heb 4:12, 1Jo 1:1, Rev 19:13