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   Atonement Doctrines listed in Chapter 6:

 1. ‘The First Principles of The Messiah’ – Sacrifice: JESUS was The Lamb of GOD as Our Passover Sacrifice. Though HIS sacrifice was finished, HIS Work on our behalf continues. HIS ‘Once and For All’ sacrifice was sufficient to provide for All the animal sacrifice type-ology in the O T. Including the ‘Bulls and Goats’ offered at The Day of Atonement. [This can be seen as a type of Passover or The First Day of Unleavened Bread.]

2. ‘Repentance from dead works’ – Repentance is a vital part of Atonement. We must be convicted and led away from the flesh and all it’s deadly work - We ‘Take up the stake Daily’ and Follow Christ Jesus. Paul often repeated this same warning in so many ways many Christians think that ‘works’ are not acceptable to GOD. But that is not true as we see in James.[This is a type of The 7th Day of Unleavened Bread]

3. ‘Faith towards GOD’ – To enable Atonement for our Life of ongoing faults and sins, ‘we must believe GOD Exists, and HE is a rewarder of those who diligently seek HIM.’ HIS Love and Mercy are Greater than all our sin. As we see in Chapter 11, Faith towards GOD was vital in The O T, and continues to be vital in The N T. [This is a type of The Day of Pentecost]

4.‘Washings’ – During The Day of Atonement, the various Priests washed themselves Five Times. This led to the Baptismal or Mikvah Cleansing Ceremonies of John The Baptist and Baptism is an important Christian Ceremony in The N T. [This can be seen as a type of The Day of Trumpets]

5. ‘Laying on of Hands’ – During Atonement, The High Priest laid his hands on each of The Two Goats. The First was slain while The Second bore the ‘trespasses, iniquities, and sins away.’ JESUS fulfilled both these types having been resurrected from death. [This can be seen as a type of The Day of Atonement]

6&7. ‘Resurrection of The Dead and Eternal Judgment.’ ‘It was impossible for the blood of ‘bulls and goats to take away sin.’ 10:4   Only after HIS Resurrection could JESUS fulfill All of these concepts–  Which related to The Day of Atonement types given in Leviticus 16. HIS resurrection assured acceptance of our Justification and Adoption into The Family of GOD. The ongoing Judgments provided by The Holy Spirit enable The Father to Discipline us with Perfect Love. [This can be seen as a type of The Last day of Tabernacles and The Last Great Day]


Important Words in Hebrews and the number of times it is used in Hebrews

Faith 38 (22 in Chapter 11)

High Priest 19

More 21, Better 13 , Perfect 12

First 14, New 5

Covenant 14, Testament 7

And 254