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When we look at each of the 10 Commands in Exo 20 and Deu. 5, we can see each one is a brief statement which is expanded throughout The Whole Bible.... With respect to The Sabbath Command, we can see several ideas are included:

- The Weekly Sabbath initially included celebrating GOD’s Provision, and setting aside a time for family and community fellowship. Exodus 16:30.

- Each Year, Seven Holy Convocations are set aside to mark The Design and Plan. GOD established The Three Feast Days as a celebration of The Three Harvest Seasons. See Leviticus 23

- The land was to be worked six years and rested The Seventh Year. Lev 25:1-5

- After 7 times 7 years of land work and rest, or after 49 years, the land was returned to it’s original owners and all debts were released. This 50th year was called The Jubilee Year. Lev 25:8+

- After 6,000 years the Earth will be released from the bondage of Adam’s Curse, and The 7th Thousand Year will become a Millennium of Peace and Rest. Rev 20

Time: Looking over the 10 Commands, The Sabbath Command is the one that deals with time. (There is also a moral concept involved that deals with rest for animals and servants....)

The Concept of Time – Involves the Design and Plan of GOD to bring mankind into ‘the likeness and image of GOD.’ This is more evident within the larger elements of The Sabbath.... The Feast Days, The Jubilee and The Millennium reveal the process GOD is using to develop His Design and Plan.

History: As we see the application of History in the Old Testament, we can see how GOD gave The Prophets a preview of History for Israel. In The New Testament, we can see the same pattern. Revelation is the obvious example, but there are several other Prophetic examples: 1 and 2 Peter, 1 and 2 Thessalonians and all the writings which depict The Feast Days and Set Times....

GOD is involved in History and HE uses The Sabbath Patterns though we often fail to observe them - HE is the same yesterday, today and forever though many do not see His being involved. There are blessings for those who do as God directs - or curses upon those who rebel and do otherwise.

Will and Plan: As we look at The New Testament there are Two Obvious Feast Days involved:

 1. Passover and The Sacrifice and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

 2. Pentecost in Acts 2 and the ongoing work of The Holy Spirit in The Church.

 3.The Third Feast- of Tabernacles is both ongoing and is also yet to be fulfilled just before, during and after The Millennium. See Rev 14 thru 20 for example.

Tabernacles includes four Holy Celebrations:1. The Day of Trumpets. See Commentary on Ephesians, Colossians, and Galatians  2. The Day of Atonement. See Commentary on 1 John and Hebrews 3. The First Day of The 7 Day Tabernacle Feast. 1 and 2 Thessalonians and Revelation 4. The Eighth Great and Awesome Day.  See Romans, and Revelation. Each of these four Set Times are explained by Jesus and Paul in greater detail in The New Testament.... For details about how each of these Holy Convocation are being and will be fulfilled, see the website sections on: NT Feasts, and Ch & Verse for each of the New Testament Books listed to the right of each day....

 Several New Testament Books provide detailed explanations of The 10 Commands.  In The New Testament, the Sabbath Command frequently deals with GOD’s Timing and more fully reveals His Design and Plan. For details, see the Website section on NT Commands.