© SeventhDayChurchOfGOD.NET 2014
1. God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ 1:1-
2. His Son Who is the image of God 1:13-
3. Continue in The Gospel of Jesus 1:20-
4. Let no man judge you in Sabbaths 2:16-
5. Hold (honor) the head 2:18-
6. Die to our old nature 2:20-
7. Let the word of God dwell 3:12-
8. We shall receive our reward 3:20-
9. Speak within Your Ministry and Pray 4:2.11
10.Love and care for others 4:12-
1. Jesus and The Father relate together 1:1-
2. Jesus and The Father 1:1-
3. Only one Gospel for all and one way 1:6-
4. Paul is sent to Gentiles as God calls him 1:15-
5.Paul honors the Patriarchs & the Church 2:11-
6. Do not backslide into traditions 4:8-
7. Isaac vs. Ishmael 4:21-
8. No liberty nor hindrance 5:16-
9. The Holy Spirit is true 5:16-
10.Seek others first 5:26-