© SeventhDayChurchOfGOD.NET 2021
3 Days
Gen 22:4 Journey to The Mountain for Abraham and Isaac Exo 15:22 Journey into The Wilderness for Israel
Jonah 1:17 In the Belly of the Great Fish Jonah cut off from God as though dead Jonah 3:3 Across Nineveh
Hos 6:1-
Mat 12:39-
2nd Calling
Jonah called The 2nd time by The LORD Jonah1:17
Adam promised a redeemer thru his seed
Noah received grace to save mankind
Abraham received his second first son
Jacob named Israel and returned to the land
Joseph rejected by his brothers, then received them
Moses died but appeared on The Mt. of Transfiguration
David anointed but sinned and repented
Mary Magdalene, Woman at the well, Lazarus, Peter, Jesus
Jonah dealt as a Prophet in Judgment, Fear and Repentance
Jesus offers Love, He bore the judgment on Himself
Perfect Love casts out fear
Peter and Jonah
Mat 16:15-
Peter said You are The Christ, The Son of God
Peter also rebuked by Jesus for refuting Jesus' sacrifice
Both resist the difficult outcome of The LORD's Sacrifice
Both called to the Gentiles, Both had animal encounters
Both saw Gentiles favored by God
Joppa was where they were each called to go
Both had tremendous results to their preaching
Both received second opportunities after repentance