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John Chapter 9 The Man Born Blind is Healed Chapter 9 of John deals with Jesus’ healing The Man Born Blind. There are several key words in this Chapter which show the activity of the natural and spiritual conflict which flow through this incident:
The main theme is blindness Blind 9:1,2,6,8,13,17,18,19,24,25,32,39,40,41 10:21, 11:37, 12:40
Sin -
The actions of Jesus and the opposition by The Pharisees
Works 9:3, 4, 10:25, 32,33.37,38, 14:10 Sabbath 9:14,16
Jesus is The Light and HE enables the blind man to see
Light 8:12, 9:5, 11:9,10, 12:35,36,46 See 9:7,11.15,19, 25, 39, 41, 11:34,40
The conflict between Jesus and The Religious Leaders continues in Chapter 9, as it has through The Gospel of John. The contrasts of Blindness and Sight, Sin versus Healing, and Jesus vs The Pharisees are obvious. As the once Blind Man gives his testimony, he becomes less like a Pharisee and more like Jesus. Until he finally meets and worships The One Who gave him his sight. This should be the testimony of each Christian, as we begin to see more and more like GOD created us to be – in The Image and Likeness of His Only Begotten Son -
Verse by Verse:
1: Jesus saw a man who was born blind -
2: HIS Disciples asked, who sinned to cause this blindness?
3: Jesus, revealed sin was not the concern, but GOD would use this blindness to enlighten His Plan and Will to create and make man into HIS image and likeness. 4:Jesus only did what His Father directed Him to do.
5: Jesus is The Light-
6: Jesus spat on some dirt and made mud -
7: Go and wash in the pool of Siloam (sent.) Just as HE had first breathed (spoken) over Adam. This blindman was obedient and was blessed. The first Adam fell into sin, but the once blindman was given sight.
8: Those nearby saw the miracle and questioned it? 9: The Blindman became gave his testimony but he still did not know The Source of Light.
13: The Pharisees become concerned -
14: It was a Sabbath Day, as was often the case for Jesus’ miracles. The conflict of works and rest are evident, and still exist today-
16: The religious spirit opposes the truth no matter how obvious. Jesus and religion are always in conflict. The Blindman continues his testimony -
29+: Moses was greatly misunderstood as was Jesus and the confusion gave place for fear and manipulation.... But the Blindman continued his testimony which led The Pharisees to accuse him and cast him out.
35: Jesus meets with the Blindman and reveals Who HE is. The Blindman worships HIM....
40: Jesus reveals the true Blindness and Sin of The religious spirit -