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  In 1Cor 1:18, 1:23, and 2:2, Paul introduces JESUS as The Passover Sacrifice.

For 1.5 Thousand Years Jewish Fathers had been selecting lambs for their family. Then GOD The FATHER, chose JESUS as The Lamb for HIS House. Exactly on The Day of Passover, JESUS was sacrificed, died and was placed in the tomb. Paul stresses the point - The Cross, Christ Crucified, and Nothing but Christ Crucified can cleanse and cover The Church of GOD.

There is no other name, no other sacrifice.  No other gift will be offered to save each member of The Church from eternal death. (John 3:16) This was done to enable Believers to come into The Family of GOD and to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. John 4:23-24