© SeventhDayChurchOfGOD.NET 2021
At this point, when the full church receives immortality, it appears that the overcomers will remain as the highest rulers in the world, but that there will also be many other lower positions to be filled by other believers. I believe this is where some will be given authority over ten cities or five cities, as Jesus said in Luke 19:17-
The good purpose for creation will be fulfilled. The earth will not be destroyed, but will become one with heaven. Heaven and earth will never be merged into one entity, but it will be like a marriage, where there is unity between God and man.
The Greek view of a cosmic divorce will fade as people begin to understand the great marriage between heaven and earth. In the end, Christ will deliver the perfected Kingdom to the Father (1 Corinthians 15:24), and God will be all in all.
Paul’s 3 Visits with The Jewish Believers in Jerusalem can be seen as a Paradigm of The 3 Feasts:
1. Paul visits with the Leaders of The Church in Jerusalem. They agree Paul should be sent to The Gentiles... This can represent Passover where all believers are seated at The Sacrifice of Christ Jesus.
2. Paul meets with The Elders and Legally minded Jews in Acts 15. They see Gentiles are filled with The Holy Spirit just as Peter saw at Cornelius’ House. This can represent Pentecost and the In filling of The Holy Spirit.
3. Paul and Peter discuss the Table Manners allowed by Jews and Gentiles while all are eating at the same table. This can represent Tabernacles and The Wedding Feast which introduces The Bride of Christ to The Body of Christ.
The OT is a natural provision for a natural people -
Paul does not directly mention The Sabbath Nor The Feast Days. He keeps the Galatians away from The OT Law altogether. Believers now have Freedom to see The Law as God intended -
Jubilee or Pentecost is the Reward -