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Negotiating With GOD does not Give Good Results

Abraham negotiated with GOD about how many Righteous Men might be in Sodom.

That God would have sparred Sodom.... Gen 18:24+

Abraham stopped at 10, but how far might Abraham have gone down to ???

One Man, Jesus Christ, has Provided Righteousness for all those who have faith in Him....  Rom 3:25

Moses Negotiated with God to spare Israel after they made the Golden Calf. GOD said His hot anger might destroy Israel.  Moses interceded and God gave them 40 years. They wandered - until all that generation died in the wilderness of sin. Exo 32:10+

Jesus gave Jerusalem 40 years as well and the city of God fell to Rome in 70 AD.

Now the Church of God has wandered in the world for 2,000 years. What should God

 do to them? How should we intercede for The Lost?  

Not MY Will be done, but THY Will be done Mat 6:10, 26:39

God's will is that all should be saved.... 1Tim 2:4, 2 Pet 3:9

Where do we stand today? How firm is our foundation? Heb 11:10,16, 12:22

Have we become born again from Heaven? John 3

Have we become so alive in The Spirit, that our old nature is crucified with Christ?

Is our heart filled with the Holy Spirit and do we have The New Covenant Law written in our heart and mind?       Rom 8

Are we building The Church and Body of Christ  1Cor 14:12, 26

Are we drawing closer to The Lord so we sit with Him in Heavenly Places?

Eph 1:3, 2:6

Are we delighted to be a disciple and a Child of God? Heb 12:6

What would it look like if God turned the world upside down once again?