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New Jerusalem as Heaven
1. Heaven will be something different from the order of things with which we are now acquainted. Former things will have passed away and all things will have become new. It will be “a new heaven and a new earth.” In our meditations, we must lift our thoughts above the earthly, for there will be such a marvelous change in us, in our residence, in our employments, and in our lives, that we will, in many respects, bear only a very faint resemblance to those who once lived, and sinned, and worshiped on the earth.
2. The exact locality of heaven is carefully concealed. It may be that this world, which has been the great arena of conflict between Christ and Satan, will be re-
3. Heaven will be entirely free from all the effects and consequences of sin. There will be no sorrow, or pain, or tears, or death, or curse.
4. Heaven will be a place of perfect light. There will be no night there, for the glory of God will lighten it.
5. Heaven will be a place of holiness. Into it nothing that defileth will ever come.
6. Heaven will be a place of unending service and uninterrupted communion with God. His servants will serve him, and they will always see his face.
7. Heaven will be a place of surpassing splendor. Its gates will be of pearl, its streets of gold, its foundations of precious stones. 8. Heaven will be a place of everlasting honor, for the saints will reign for ever and ever.