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Spirit VS Law in Galatians

In prayer, I was given the idea about, wherefore serveth the law....

In Gal  3:19 it was added because of transgressions.

In looking at this idea from "John 16:8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:"      Where Jesus is giving instruction about the Holy Spiril:  We read in Paul, about Jesus taking these upon Himself. thus initiating a New Covenant in His Blood.

We can see These 3 purposes of the Law and conviction of The Holy Spirit are very similar in terms of these 3 results:

1. Dealing with Sin (what is wrong)

2. Revealing Righteousness (what is right)

3. Judgment (how to get wrong things right)

In these 3 areas, the Law and The Spirit seek similar results.

However:    The methods of The Law versus The Spirit are dealt with in Galatians:

Where, we see the New Covenant way of raising Godly people is in The Spirit rather than by The Law. Paul gives us no good purpose for The Law (except that it can serve to bring truant children to Christ.) Gal 3:24

Because Jesus became sin (took our sin upon Himself) and bore away the curse of the Law, we are free to serve The New Life.... Gal 3:13

A situation at Church seems to tie into this thought: A great young Christian boy was disciplined by taking his phone away. It made him angry.  I considered this and an idea came to mind: Have the child deal out his own punishment after he sees why he needs discipline. In this way, the parents are connected to the child and can meet out mercy or instruction as needed.

This is how we are dealt with in The Spirit rather than by The Law.