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10:1-16 Marriage and Divorce  Is divorce lawful? Moses commanded that a Bill of Divorce be written. This is allowed because hearts become hardened. God intends marriage to be lifelong as a man and a woman are joined into one flesh.  Whoever marries a woman who is only separated commits adultery. A woman has no right to obtain a divorce under The Law. Jesus loved little children to reflect God's love in The Kingdom of God.

10:17-34 Jesus teaches about riches Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? Sell all you have and follow Me.... He went away sad at heart.The Disciples had left all to follow Jesus. Jesus said they would be rewarded now and in the life to come. But the first shall be least and the least shall be first.  Jesus states again He has come to give His life as the sacrifice of God.

10:35-37 Great in The Kingdom Grant us to sit on Your right and left. You know not what you ask, but you shall be sacrifices each in his way.

10:46-52 A Blind Man is healed. Son of David, have mercy on me. Rabbi, that I might receive sight. Go your way, your faith has made you whole.

11:1-11 Jesus enters Jerusalem On a donkey Jesus is seen as their King, HE is celebrated, but when He is captured and tormented, the people are disappointed and they reject Him. All this was needed to fulfill prophecy and to allow for His sacrifice as God's Passover Lamb.

11:12-26 The Fig Tree is cursed The fig tree had leaves but no figs. Jesus said Let no man eat fruit from thee forever. God is not pleased with outward show without fruit.

11:15-19 The Temple is cleansed Jesus drove out the money changers and the animals from the Temple Courts. HE insisted My Father's House is a House of Prayer for all nations. You have made it a den of thieves.

11:20-24 The Fig Tree is dead Jesus used the tree to train His Disciples to have faith in God. Whoever tells This Mountain (Jerusalem) Be cast into the sea in faith, it shall happen (and it did.)

11;25-26 Pray with forgiveness If you have anything against anyone pray forgiveness. If you do not forgive, your Heavenly Father will not forgive your trespasses  (small sins.)

11:27-33 By what authority do You do these things?The end of Matthew reveals that Jesus has all authority which is given Him by The Father. But now Jesus asks them about John the Baptist's authority.... They did not know.

12 Religious Debates 12:1-12 Parable of Tenant Farmers A Landowner went into a far country and leased his vineyard that he might receive some fruit from it. He sent servants to receive the fruit but they beat them. Finally he sent his son, but they killed his son. Jesus asked what the owner would do to those vine-dressers? The Owner will reject and kill the evil ones. And so it was done in AD 70. Jesus referred to Himself as The Stone the builders rejected (being the Chief Corner Stone.)

12:13-17 Give to God or to Caesar The Pharisees tempted Jesus with a question about taxes. Jesus asked for a coin and said Give to Caesar or to God what is due.12:18-34 Marriage and The Resurrection The Sadducees asked Jesus whose wife a woman would be in the resurrection? Jesus said there is no marital relations on Heaven, and stated God is God of the living Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

12:28-34 The Greatest Commandment Love keeps the commandments perfectly both to God and to man.

12:35-44 David's LORD and Son Jesus is a son from David and yet is also his LORD. The scribes have difficulty with scripture when not listening to God. The letter will always fall short of The Spirit.

12:41-42 a woman gives what she has A widow gives all she has though it is small, and Jesus gives her praise, but belittles those who give openly.