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   Sabbath in Matthe

5:1-12 Beatitudes Humility / Persecution

6:10 Thy Kingdom Come

11:28+ Come to Me and find Rest for your soul

12:1-8 Conflict in Picking Grain on Sabbath

12:9-14 Conflict Healing Withered Arm

19:23+ Enter The Kingdom after leaving worldliness

24:20 Pray your flight be not on Sabbath nor Winter

27:62 Guards watch at Jesus' Tomb on Sabbath

28:1 Jesus' body rests while He is with The Father

The few times Matthew writes of Jesus' activities on The Sabbath, there is conflict with Jewish Leaders. Jesus lives as though The Sabbath is a time for healing, and blessings rather than restrictions. The Oral Law the Pharisees lived by, added restrictions around The Sabbath in an effort to keep it holy.