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 Parables as History

Sower: Bible History from Adam until Jesus Returns.-Wayside and the fowls devoured the seed: Sin and death took their toll after the fall of Adam.

Stony ground, No depth: Israel given The Law but no heart to keep it.

Thorns, Riches are lost: Kingdoms of Israel and Judah sent into captivity.Good ground, Abraham- 100 years old has a son, Isaac- 60 years old has sons, Jacob- 30 years old has sons.

Tares sown in the field: The Devil sows discord and rebellion

Good seed is The Word of God,, it brings forth salvation. Tares are sown by the devil and bring forth the sin nature.

Mustard Seed: Promise to Abraham. Faith of Jesus Christ grows into The Kingdom where fowls of all kinds take shelter. Gentile and Jew are welcome to lodge in The Kingdom.

Yeast sown in 3 lumps of dough: Noah and his sons, into all the world.Jew, Gentile and Christian take in teachings from The Word and from The world. Until the Church becomes a harlot with many daughters.

Hidden Treasure in the field: God's Word.The Gospel provides abundant life and eternal life. This new birth requires all the old nature to be traded off.

Pearl of Great price: Jesus comes into the world- Gospel of The Kingdom is worth everything we have.The Tares are explained and the harvest at the end of the age.

Drag Net: Final Harvest at the end of this age.Cast in to catch every kind of fish. Good are kept but first the bad are sent into the fire.