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Mercy and Day of Atonement

Mercy (Helios etc) is written 70 times in the NT

Propitiation (or Hilasmos) 2 times in 1 John

and 1 in Romans 3:25

Hebrews has a central theme about The Day of Atonement

The Tabernacle of Moses shows a pattern in The Mercy Seat covering The Ark of the Covenant. Inside were The Tables of The Law, Aaron's Rod that budded, and the Pot of Manna. These three items represent The Law, The Authority of The Priesthood and The Bread from Heaven. Hebrews reveals the NT relationship believers have in Prayer, in Heavenly Places and relationship to God and His Law.

The Day of Atonement showed a pattern of removing sin and making believers clean within.

The Process of Atonement relates to the dividing of Predestination and Choice. Hebrews 4 presents this concept as Soul and Spirit. refer to this Website under Home>Basic Doc    >Choice Vs Destiny,

or Salvation>Saved>3 Parts>Shall be saved

or Jesus>Atonement

and NT Feasts> Yearly Feasts>Atonement....