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     Faith Hold Onto It

Heb 11:1 Now Faith is the substance of

11:6 Must Believe God is

10:22 Draw near with a true heart

Gal 5:22 between kindness and strength

1Cor 12:8-10 Between Hearing and Power

Rom 10:8-10, Word of faith, believe with the heart

10:17 Faith comes by hearing the Word Rhema

1Tim 1:19 Holding Faith with a good conscience

3:9 Hold the mystery of faith, in a pure conscience

6:12 Fight the good fight of Faith

 lay hold eternal life

2Tim 1:13 Hold fast sound words  faith in J. C.

4:7 fought a good fight kept the faith

Tit 1:9 Holding fast the faithful word

Heb 10:23 hold fast the profession of our faith

Eph 6:16 Above all Taking The Shield of Faith

1Pet 5:8-9 Devil as a lion, resist steadfast in faith

1Jhn 5:4 Overcome world by our faith

5 Believing JC is the Son of God

Jam 1:2-7 The trial of your faith