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Nowhere in the New Testament is there a command to Keep The Sabbath Holy, BUT - Jesus kept it Holy and Paul Kept it among The Gentiles.

The Law must be written on The New Heart with expanded areas of right doings for each of The Commandments. We see this first in Matthew, where multiple times we are taken through The Ten Words.The Beatitudes in Mat 5, apply to The Sabbath Concept. Here we begin to see that our ideas about Who is in charge plays a large part in how I become blessed. Do I need to force these attitudes upon my life, OR do I let The LORD direct my attitudes? Who is in charge of my heart? How do I change my attitudes so I can be blessed? Is Love leading by The Spirit, or is The Law trying to enforce obedience?

As the Gospel covers most of The Earth, there are problems with how a day is determined under the law. The time zones and latitude must come into consideration but these are not mentioned in the law. Obedience must be directed by The Spirit of God.