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The Olivet Discourse 13:1-4 The Temple's Destruction and Jerusalem's fall Jesus prophecies of The Temple being destroyed in AD 70 and Judea being removed by Rome. Not one stone will stand on another.Two Questions come up    When? and What Sign

?13:5-13 Prophecy of Christ's Return Be not deceived even in troubling times, The Gospel must be preached in all nations. Betrayals and imprisonment will come. The Abomination of Desolation will stand in The Holy Place. Rome will remove unrighteous Judea as Daniel wrote. Flee away from Jerusalem into the Mountains even on a Sabbath. Terrible Tribulation will come upon this nation. Flee to other nations or no flesh will remain alive.

13:24-27 Jesus will return Signs will be seen The sun darkened,stars fall and moon to blood. Then The Son of Man and His Coming in Great Power and Glory.

13:28-31 Parable of the Fig Tree When summer is near the fig tree will indicate the time is near. That generation will not pass until all will come as He said. (The Jews are in The Land and simmer is past.) Be ready, and watch. Only The Father knows the day or the hour when the Master comes.

14 Betrayal, Arrest and Trials     14:1-11 The Preparation After 2 days was Passover and The Jews want to kill Jesus. A woman anoints Jesus' feet with perfume. Some were upset about the costly display, but Jesus said, she did this regarding His burial and the Gospel would remember her devotion. Judas agrees to betray Jesus just as it is written of him.

14:12-31 Passover foreseen Go to the upper room as you see a man carrying a water jar. Prepare for the Passover as it is written. Jesus deals with Judas. Then He takes the Bread and The Cup as The New Covenant Passover. I will not eat nor drink until The New Kingdom of God is established.

14:26-31 Disciples' desertion is foretold and Peter's denials. They sung a hymn and went to The Mt. of Olives. There Jesus is crushed beneath the weight of His taking the cup of God's Wrath as His final work in The Passover sacrifice.All of you will stumble but I will stand again.

14:32-52 Prayer and arrest Jesus prays 3 times that the cup of wrath could pass from Him, but the full price must be taken into Jesus before He dies. The disciples sleep again to show the need for their redemption from sleep to eternal life.

14:53-72 Jesus on Trial Jesus is judged by The Sanhedrin in Jerusalem but He said nothing until the High Priest required Him to speak. Jesus replied, You have said I AM the Messiah and you will see Me standing at the right hand of God's Power. The priest tore his clothes and condemned Jesus. Some spit on Jesus and beat Him.

14:66-72 Peter denies Jesus 3 times and the cock crowed the second time as Jesus had said. Peter wept.